








Most important monographies

Since its establishment, Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has exerted significant charity, pro bono activities  of in the spirit of social responsibility

Budapest Bar, Hungarian Lawyers Association, IAG 




Most important monographies

Before regime change

 The Fundamentals of the Theory of Corporate law

KJK Economic and Legal Publisher, Budapest, 1979

The Theory of the Transformation of the Legal Persons

Printing House of the Academy, Budapest, 1985

In the Streamline of an Organizational Reform
Magvető, Budapest 1986


After regime change

The Companies Act and Transformation Act
KJK Economic and Legal Publisher Budapest, 1990

The Law of Privatization in Hungary
Unió Printing House, Budapest, 1990

The Law of the Democratic Transformation and the Law of Privatization. Property Law in the Former Communist Countries
KJK Economic and Legal Publisher, Budapest, 1997 (in English 2001)

Hungarian Corporate Law in Europe
HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2001

The Civil law of Socialism, the Democratic Transition and New Capitalism
HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2007

Development of State Property Law from the Early Privatization
HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2009


Various publications and Lectures of Dr. Tamás Sárközy

Governing of Hungary 1978-2012
Park Press Budapest, 2012

The Status Law of Legal Entities in the new Hungarian Civil Code
HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2013.

The Two-Third Over-Government 2010-2014
Park Press, Budapest, 2014

The Hungarian Sport Law in the new Civil Code
HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2015

Government Theory
HVG-ORAC Budapest, 2016




When choosing its employees, Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) concentrates most of all on performance, ethical behavior, and participation in community-building. We are proud that more than half of the current staff has been  working in our office for more than ten years and for the vast majority of them this is their first and only workplace.

KSzS has always been open to - the spirit of the above - recruit new employees who honor the traditions of KSzS and wish to act along similar principles.

If you are interested in the job opportunities our office has to offer, feel free to contact us at

We would like to mention that we do not intend to employ apprentices in the near future, nor have we done so in recent years, but we would be happy to advise young university students in their search for a job with consultations and by providing advice to them.


Social engagement

Social engagement

  • Budapest Bar: Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners (KSzS) has been a registered member of the Budapest Bar Association since the 1st of January 1992. Our lawyers and associate lawyers are also members of the Budapest Bar Association 
  • Hungarian Lawyers Association: Since its founding KSzS has been a member of the Hungarian Lawyers Association with minor interruptions, our naming partner, Prof. Dr. Tamás Sárközy has been the president of the Association for many years 
  • IAG (Integrated Advisory Group International): an international association of independent lawyers and auditors, of which KSzS has been a member of since 2004 and through which it represented a significant number of foreign clients in Hungary and in many cases provided representation for Hungarian clients in their foreign cases I 
    You can learn more about IAG at the following address: or from Dr. András Szilasi partner from the side of KSzS


Kántor, Szilasi, Sárközy and Partners Attorneys at Law

Address: H-1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 39/C, - Alkotás Center

Phone: (+36-1) 487 1040

Fax: (+36-1) 487 1041


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